You Have a Safe Baby Crib - Do You Have a Safe Mattress, Sheets and Baby Environment?

Assuming you have checked your new baby crib for safety such as proper assembly, crib recall and conforming to all safety standards for 2010, you are ready to consider other safety needs for your infant. Let's first take a look at the crib mattress you will be using. If the mattress is designed to come with the baby crib, it should fit the crib tightly. Replacement crib mattresses should have a gap of no more than two fingers width around all edges of the mattress and crib. Safe Crib mattresses should be firm, in fact the firmer the better. That old hand me down crib and mattress (especially 10 years or older) should be considered un-safe.

Infant Cribs

Now, let's consider what baby crib sheets you will need. Under the sheet do not use a loose fitting plastic mattress cover or waterproof sheet that could end-up around the baby's head. Choose sheets that fit well over the ends of the crib mattress and leave a smooth tight surface. You do not want the sheet to become loose and a corner of the sheet pull off. If you are planning to use a bumper pad, secure the pad with six snaps or ties around the entire baby crib. Ties should be trimmed off of any excess length to eight inches or less.

Infant Cribs

Next, comes the pretty things that make the baby crib and room look so special. When your baby is sleeping in the safe crib, remove all pillows, soft cuddly blankets and that gorgeous comforter. Think about things that could block or irritate you baby's breathing such as: Fluffy Stuffed Animals and Toys with Strings. Those soft fluffy things are great dust catchers leading to irritated little noses and can cause suffocation. Take a look around the room. Keep the baby crib area safe by removing any room or space heaters. Keep the crib away from walls or windows with dangling cords which an older baby could grab and put it around its neck.

Finally, you are ready to place your baby into the safe environment you have created. Your baby for the first six months should sleep on its back for naps and nighttime sleep. This alone has reduced the incidences of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) by 50%. If warmth is needed, wearable blankets, blanket sleepers and warm swaddling wraps can be used. A point of interest - Swaddling may also reduce the risk of SIDS.

Don't forget that baby monitor so you can hear the baby in another room.
Safe room - Safe Baby Crib - Comfortable Baby - Enjoy

You Have a Safe Baby Crib - Do You Have a Safe Mattress, Sheets and Baby Environment?
Infant Cribs

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