Getting A Baby to Sleep in a Crib - The Seemingly Impossible Task

A common frustration among new parents is trying to get their baby to sleep in a crib. Usually the baby is used to being held, sleeping in a swing or co-sleeping and the instant the baby is put into a crib, he/she will wake up due to the new surroundings. Although it will take some time and patience, here are the best ways to make the transition.

Infant Cribs

You may want to try swaddling your baby, especially if you have a newborn. Babies need the comfort and security of being held and swaddling emulates the feeling of being in the womb. A lot of babies wake up in the crib because that warm cuddly feeling is suddenly gone and they become startled. This may not work if you have an older baby as most older babies don't like the constricted feeling.

Infant Cribs

Babies who love motion will often only sleep in a swing.  When the motion stops after being placed in a crib, they become restless and wake up. Just as they felt a lot of motion in the womb, it also becomes a source of comfort for them. If this is the case, you can either try patting the baby or getting a vibrating mechanism to put under the mattress. Many of the newer play yards come with these and the motion can be controlled very easily with a switch.

If baby is used to co-sleeping, you may need to make a slow transition from your bed to the crib, especially if the crib is in another room. Try using a co-sleeper or bassinet placed next to your bed to aid in this transition so that you do not have to get up as much in the process. As your baby becomes accustomed to the move, you can try going to a crib in another room.

In addition to these simple tips, there are many other techniques and methods for helping baby sleep at night. A lot of these methods have worked well for parents and many have started to see results the same night. Just remember that when choosing methods to get your baby to sleep at night, only attempt things that coincide with your parenting philosophy.

Getting A Baby to Sleep in a Crib - The Seemingly Impossible Task
Infant Cribs

55-200Mm Vr Davinci Parker Crib